Hardware: The physical components of the computer are known as Hardware. It refers to the objects that we can actually touch.
Ex: input and output devices, processors, circuits and the cables.

Software: Software is a program or set of instructions that causes the Hardware to function in a desired way. The basic difference between the Hardware and Software is just the same as that exists between TV and TV studio. Without TV studio (software) from where the programs are telecast, the TV (Hardware) is a dead machine.
There are five categories of software.They are:
1. Operating System
2. Translators
3. Utility programs
4. Application programs
5. General purpose program

Operating System (OS): The software that manages the resources of a computer system and schedules its operation is called Operating system.

Translators: Computers can understand instructions only when they are written in their own language – the machine language. Therefore, a program written in any other language should be translated into machine language. The software that ―translates‖ the instructions of different languages is known as translators.
There are two types of translators. They are compilers and Interpreters

Programming Languages: There are three types of programming languages.
1. Machine Languages: Computers respond only to machine language. This language is in terms of binary codes (0, 1).
2. Assembly Languages: It uses mnemonic codes rather than numeric codes (as in machine languages). Ex. Add or A is used as a symbol for addition.
3. High Level Languages (HLL): These are referred as problem oriented languages (POL).

Several High Level Languages which are in common use:
           FORTRAN: FORmula TRANslation
           COBOL: Common Business Oriented Language
           BASIC: Beginner‘s All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
           PROLOG: PROgramming in LOGic
           ALGOL: ALGOrithmic Language

Utility Programs: These are pre-written programs supplied by the manufacturer for maintaining day to day activities of computer system.
Example: COPY, SORT, MAILING, virus scanning software etc.

Application Programs: These are user written programs to do a specific job which can be changed to meet the individual needs. These programs are written in different languages such as BASIC or C or by using database packages like dBASE, Oracle.
Example: Payroll, Billing, Railway Reservation etc.

5. General Purpose Packages: These packages are developed to suit the needs of research workers / scientists in different fields. These packages are categorized as:
i) Data Analysis
ii) Word Processing
iii) Spread Sheet
iv) Graphics and

v) Databases