1.most common channel used by networks today is telephone lines
2.Sybase SQL server and Microsoft SQL server 7.0 is not an example of RDBMS
3.In programming language, Null point is used to tell end of linked list
4.A technique which collects all deleted space onto free storage list is called garbage collection
5.Node to node delivery of the data unit is the responsibility of the data link layer
6.Insulating material is the major factor that makes co axial cable less susceptible to noise than twisted pair cable
7.A data communication system covering an area the size of a town or city is MAN
8.Virtual memory system allows the employment of the full address space
9.The basic circuit of ECL supports the OR-NOR logic
10.Micro instructions are kept in control store
11.In HTML coding no shade attribute of HR tag suppresses the shading effect and fields a solid line
12.Internet domains are classified by their functions. In that regard “.com” represents commercial
13.HTTP in URL stands for hyper text transfer protocol
14.The “Nyquist theorem” specifies the minimum sampling rate to be twice the bandwidth of a signal
15.Memory allocation at the routine is known as dynamic memory allocation
16.In HTML loading, <BR> tag is used for displaying a new line
17.HTTP protocols are used by internet mail
18.A policy on firewalls needs not ensure that it is logically secured
19.The script which is designed to receive value from the web users is java script
20.GET method and HEAD method is the C91 method of involving a C91 program
21.Analog switched line telephone service is least expensive
22.A toll used to find a synonym or antonym for a particular word is thesaurus
23.In C++ coding, Cout<<”tent”; is used to display character or strings or numeric screen
24.In this processing, a number of jobs are put together and executed as a group batch processing
25.The process of finding and correcting errors in a program is a process called debugging
26.cn pass command is used to change your password in UNIX system
27.HTML code is always starts with <html> </html>
28.If there are 5 routers and b networks in an internet work using link state routing, there will be 5 routing tables
29.A scripting language similar to HTML and which runs only on a browser is java script
30.By RAID technique, data is stored in several disk units by breaking them into smaller pieces and storing each piece in separate disk
31.The most popular network protocol whose routing capabilities provide maximum flexibility in an enterprise wide network is known as TCP/IP
32.New group that enable you to communicate with other Microsoft windows user about issues and concerns with your computer
33.Analog-digital conversion type needs sampling of a signal
34.In an optical fiber, the inner core is less dense than the cladding
35.Six types of heading are available in HTML
36.RDBMS is an acronym for relational database management system
37.In MS-Word, page layout view is also known as true WYS/WYG
38.In HTML coding, <UL> (Unordered list) is used to give bullets in your document
39.Transmission media are usually categorized as guided or unguided
40.A virtual circuit is the physical connection between an end point and a switch or between two switches
41.Passing of the frame to next station can happen at a token ring station
42.R-C coupling method is suitable for voltage amplification
43.Normal is not a type of HTML pages
44.In HTML coding <LI> tag is used for denoting items in a list of type <UL>
45.In MS-Word the keyboard shortcut F7 used for spelling and grammar check
46.DBMS is not an operating system
47.HTML is basically used to design web-site
48.In HTML coding, Dynamic web-pages are created in advance of the user’s request
49.In Dos, primary name of a file can have a maximum of 10 characters
50.du command is used to show file system disk usage in UNIX
51.Maximum length of a text file is 255 characters
52.Frame format of CSMA/CD and Ethernet protocol differ in the block error control
53.On an Ethernet LAN implementation with 10 base 5 the maximum number of segments can be five
54.Overflow condition in linked list may occur when attempting to create a node when linked list is empty
55.Code segment register is where the microprocessor looks for instruction
56.Web-site is collection of web-pages and Home-page is the very first page that we see on opening of a web-site
57.The subsystem of the kernel and hardware that cooperates to translate virtual to physical addresses comprises memory management subsystem
58.A device operating at the physical layer is called a repeater
59.FORTRAN is a mathematically oriented languages used for scientific problems
60.If we want to convert the text which is in small letters to capital letters then select the required text and press Shift +F3
61.Datagram packet switching uses the entire capacity of a dedicated link
62.In the datagram approach to packet switching, each packet of a message follows the same path from sender to receiver
63.FDM technique transmits analog signals
64.X.21 protocol consists of only physical level
65.In a dedicated link, the only traffic is between the two connected devices
66.In a start topology, if there are n devices in network, each device has n-1
67.A unique number assigned to a process when the process first starts running PID
68.Modems is necessary for multiplexing
69.In MS-Word WYSIWYG stands for what you see is where you get
70.The primary purpose of shutdown procedure in UNIX system is that all active process may be properly closed
71.In time- division circuit switching, delivery of data is delayed because data must be stored and retrieved from RAM
72.Subnet usually comprises layers 1 & 2, layer 1 through 3 of OSI model
73.An image in a web-page can be aligned left and right using HTML coding
74.RFC stands for request for comment
75.Packet filtering firewall and proxy firewall is not a type of firewall
76.Most news reader’s presents news groups articles in threads
77.The sharing of a medium and its path by two or more devices is called multiplexing
78.Sending messages, voice, and video and graphics files over digital communication link is done by the method e-mail
79.In a computer network, a computer that can control a group of other computers for sharing information as well as hardware utilities is known as server
80.Telephone number, zip code is defined as a numeric field
81.In shell programming, tr command is used for character translation
82.Cat text>>output would append a file called test to the end of a file called output
83.In a network with 25 computers, mesh topology would require the more extensive cabling
84.Dialog control is a function of the presentation layer
85.The program which takes user input, interprets it and takes necessary action is shell
86.Most appropriate data structure in C to represent linked list is array
87.Menu bar is usually located below that title bar that provides categorized options
88.Latest version of Microsoft Word is Word XP
89.You save your computer files on disc and in folders
90.when the text automatically goes onto the next line this is called word wrap
91.WYSIWYG is short for what you see is what you get
92.Left justify is the same as align left
93.To put text on the right of the page use the align right button
94.Lotus 1-2-3 is a popular DOS based spreadsheet package
95.65,535 characters can be typed in a single cell in excel
96.Comments put in cells are called cell tip
97.Getting data from a cell located in a different sheet is called referencing
98.A numeric value can be treated as a label value if it precedes with apostrophe
99.Data can be arranged in a worksheet in an easy to understand manner using auto formatting, applying styles, changing fonts
100.An excel workbook is a collection of worksheets and charts
101.Most manufacturers setup their BIOS to load into upper memory during the boot process
102.Device drivers loaded in the config.sys file is loaded into the following memory area: Conventional memory
103.40ns memory speeds is the fastest
104.System software often uses the ROM BIOS
105.In CMOS setup, if you enable shadowing ROM is copied to RAM
106.Static variables are local to the block in which they are declared.
107.During the normal PC boot process, ROM BIOS is active first
108.During boot-up, the memory test checks and verifies that contiguous memory is installed
109.601 error code identifies a floppy drive problem
110.If you get frequent general protection faults, this could indicate poor quality of memory chips
111.You are looking at a memory module thought to be a DIMM module. 168 pins would be on a DIMM module
112.The system BIOS and ROM chips are called firmware
113.Extended located above the first 1024K of memory
114.WRAM type of RAM is normally the fastest
115.RAM component is used for short-term data storage
116.A SIMM has 40 pins
117.RAM provides quickest access to data
118.Narrowcast linking is not a transmission technology
119.The data flow diagram is for analyzing requirements of user
120.The elements of computer processing system are hardware, data, users and procedures
121.On August 23, 2005 an accounting clerk prepared an invoice dated August 31, 2005. Range check control can check this
122.Library management software is for documenting the changes that are made to program and controlling the version numbers of the programs
123.Steganography is hiding the data but not necessarily making it invisible and not easily detectable
124.A computer is an electronic device
125.An online transaction is transaction done via internet
126.Using anti-virus software is preventive measure
127.For security we should consider local data reduction, event correction low resource utilization
128.OS is not a peripheral of PC
129.The most common input device used today is keyboard
130.The third generation of the computer were in 1965-1971
131.Gateways to allow a network to use the resources of another main frame is a component of internet
132.Mouse cannot be shared
133.EDI means electronic data interface
134.Mainframes network where a huge compute does all computing and front end PCs are dumb terminals
135.A modem that cannot be moved from its position is called fixed modem
136.A device that receives data from slow speed devices, and transmits it to different locations is called remote concentrator
137.Organization would prefer in house development of software to ensure that the development adhere to defined quality
138.Actual intelligence is not a feature of PC
139.Network that uses two OSI protocol layers as against three used in X.25 is a “frame relay”
140.Microsoft excel is versatile application and spread sheet program
141.System flowcharts show relationship that link the input processing and output of the system
142.To identifying the system to be tested the penetration testing is done
143.Platform in computer world means computer hardware and operating systems
144.A character that retains its value during program execution is constants
145.Data accuracy is not done by modem
146.OMR is used to read choice filled up by a student in common entrance tests
147.The term remote with respect to network means machine located far off
148.In two-tier client server architecture the client is usually fat client
149.The senior management provides the go-ahead approval for the development of projects
150.Manual data can be put into computer by Scanner
151.E-mail address is made up of two parts
152.The normal way to undo a command by pressing the following key combinations together CTRL-Z
153.The owner of a process is user that invokes the process
154.In datagram packet switching all the datagram’s of a message follow the same channel of a path
155.X.25 LAPP uses a specific subset of HDLC protocol
156.Presentation layer of the OSI reference model is concerned with the syntax of data exchanged between application entities
157.Edge-triggered D flip –flop memory elements uses an PC circuit at its input
158.Programs that extend the capabilities of a server are C41 scripts
159.The primary goal of ISDN is the integration of voice services and non-voice services
160.Flow control in OSI model is done by transport layer
161.The optical links between any two SONET devices is called a section
162.A user can get files from another compute on the internet by using FTP
163.The key fields which are tested by a packet filtering firewall are source IP address , TCP/UDP source port, destination IP address
164.The server on the internet is also known as gateway
165.VBScript can perform calculation of data
166.In MS-Word, ‘mail merge’ can be defined writing a letter once and dispatching it to a number of recipients
167.Coaxial cables are good for digital transmission and long distance transmission
168.LRU is a page replacement policy used for memory management
169.Commercial TV is an example of distributive services with user control
170.The exact format of frame in case of synchronous transmission depends on whether transmission scheme is either character oriented or bit oriented
171.RING topology is least affected by addition/remove of a node
172.EX-OR gates recognizes only words that have an odd number of 1
173.To interconnect two homogenous WAN’s we need a router
174.Co-axial cables provides data rates over 50 mbps
175.The outermost orbit of an atom can have a maximum of 8 electrons
176.The protocol for sharing hypertext information on the world wide web is HTTP
177.ISDN’s basic rate interface (BRI) is also known as 2 D + B
178.The mode of data transmission of unshielded twisted pair cable is full duplex
179.Data accuracy is not done by modem
180.Query is used to answer a question about a database
181.AM and FM are examples of analog to analog modulation
182.Redundancy is the concept of sending extra bits for use in error detection
183.The physical layer is concerned with transmission of bits over the physical medium
184.The number of input lines required for a 8 to 1 multiplexes is 8
185.The bar-code (rectangular pattern of lines of varying width and spaces) used for automatic product identification by computer
186.FSK is most affected by noise
187.Stack is a LIFO structure
188.CPU is not an input device of a computer
189.Program of a computer presented as a sequence of instructions in the form of binary numbers is called machine language
190.Possible problems with java scrip can be security or limited graphics and multimedia capabilities
191.For locating any document on the WWW. There is a unique address known as URL
192.Design view would use to define a table and specify fields
193.Traversal process is faster for threaded trees compared with their unthreaded counterparts
194.The command used to display help on any particular command is man
195.In C++ programming, the extension of program is .cpp
196.A generic team that refers to the combination of all commercial transactions executed over electronic media for the exchange of product and services
197.In DOS, the command used to create a new file is called copy con
198.Backup helps you to create a copy of the information on your hard disk and saves original data in case data on your computer got damaged or corrupted due to malfunctioning of hard-disk
199.LAN is usually privately owned and links the devices in a single office, building or campus
200.In justified type of alignment, text gets aligned along both left and right margins
201.The internal programming language for a particular chip is called machine language
202.The inner core of an optical fiber is glass and plastic in composition
203.When a small amount of trivalent impurity is added to a pure-semiconductor it is called P-type semiconductor
204.In MS-Access, a table can have one primary key/keys
205.In DOS, Deltree command is used to delete all the files as well as sub-directories of a directory
206.Netscape navigator is a web-browser
207.Multiplexing involves one path and one channel
208.Table, form, queries, reports, macros, modules are objects in an access database
209.The clown command in UNIX changes home directory of a user
210.BCD stands for binary coded decimal
211.When we run a program in HTML coding, notepad is used as backend and internet-explorer works as front end
212.If the M bit in X.25 standard is set to 1, it means that thee is more than one packet
213.The modem is a device that connects n input stream outputs
214.Array is linear data structure
215.A T.V. broadcast is an example of simplex transmission
216.Search engine will search its database to find items whose tent contains all or at least one of the words given to it
217.In UNIX, command “! $” is used to repeat entire less command line
218.PCM is an example of analog to digital
219.A simple protocol used for fetching an e-mail from a mailbox is POP 3
220.For a small web site, one needs to buy space from the ISP
221.An operating system that acts as an intermediary between user and computer hardware
222.Attair, the world’s first personal computer, was introduced in the year 1979
223.Half duplex data flows in both directions, but any one direction at the time
224.Ring requires a central controller or hub
225.The OSI model consists of seven layers
226.The main job of one of the following is to allocate CPU to processes scheduler
227.10,500 valid Min & Max zoom sizes in MS office
228.Before printing a document you should always use print preview
229.Excel XP is the latest version of excel
230.A worksheet can have a maximum of 256 number of rows
231.Character is not a valid data type in Excel
232.Formula bar in an Excel window allows entering values and formulas
233.Direct memory access is a technique for transferring data from main memory to a device without passing it through the CPU
234.5 30-bit SIMMS are required to populate a bank on a 486 system that has a 32-bit data bus
235.SRAM uses a clock to synchronize a memory chip’s input and output signal
236.Cycle-stealing type of DMA transfer will operate when a CPU is operating
237.A series 100 POST error code indicates a problem with the system board
238.You have an old PC that you decide to upgrade with a 1 gig IDE hard drive. You find that you can’t configure CMOS to see the entire hard drive. The best you can do is 540 meg. Then use a device driver that makes the bios see the drive as
239.When SHADOWING is enabled in computers BIOS Instructions stored in various ROM chips are copied into
240.POST stands for power on self test
241.Checking the hard disk while running Windows 3.1, you discover a very large file called 396SPART.PAR. That file is windows permanent swap file
242.CMOS contains the computer BIOS and maintains its data with the use of a battery for periods when the system is powered down
243.TSR stands for terminate and stay
244.LAN is not an inter network
245.Memory is temporary and storage is permanent
246.Echo checking cannot assure data accuracy in an application
247.Focus on manual records is not necessary for computerization system in a bank
248.Permanent establishment, residence-based, Income based classification are the approaches used to tax online transactions
249.Computer of computer communication for business transactions is called EDI
250.Client-server computing is used in Network multi-media
251.Back up of files is taken for security
252.Operating system is not a software category
253.Computer program looking “normal” but containing harmful code is infected by Trojan horse
254.Private key is used to append a digital signature
255.Most dangerous risk in leaking of information is ignorance about the existence of risk
256.IMAP (Internet message access protocol) takes care of E-mail at client side
257.The CPU has control unit, arithmetic-logic unit and primary storage
258.1st generation computer is the bulkiest PC
259.E-R diagram represents relationship between entities of system
260.User is technically least sound
261.Minicomputers is not there during fourth generation computer
262.Microchip is unique to a smartcard
263.Internet was started as network for defences forces of America
264.A program permanently stored in hardware is called firmware
265.Taking back-up of a file against crash is a curative measure
266.Simplex transmission technique permits data flow in only one direction
267.Front end processor relieves the host computer from tedious jobs and does them itself
268.Software can’t be touched
269.Physical access to a database can be altered by hiring procedure
270.The sound signal carried by telephone line is analog
271.All decisions for LAN are taken by the IT steering committee
272.An input device gives data to a computer
273.Correction of program is done by debugging
274.File transfer is the function of the application layer
275.policy on firewalls need not ensure that is logically secured
276.A modem performs modulation, demodulation, data compression
277.Personnel security does not fall under the category of operations to be performed during development of software
278.CASE tool cannot help with understanding requirements
279.UPC cannot be used for source of data automation
280.The banks are MICR device to minimize conversion process
281.MP3 files cannot be navigated using Clip Art browser
282.Close option in File pull-down menu is used to close a file in MS-Word
283.3 ½ is the size of a standard floppy disc
284.When entering in a lot of text in capitals you should use the caps lock key
285.Files created with Lotus 1-2-3 have an extension 123
286.Contents, objects, Scenarios of a worksheet can be protected from accidental modification
287.Device drivers that are loaded in windows 3.X are loaded into the sytem.ini file
288.30 pin SIMM’s, 72 pin SIMM’s, 168 pin DIMM’s types of RAM sockets can be seen on mother boards
289.The Power on self test determines the amount of memory present, the date/time, and which communications ports and display adapters are installed in a microcomputer
290.Virtual memory refers to using a file on the hard disk to simulate RAM
291.BIOS (ROM) is considered firmware
292.A population application of computer networking is the WWW of newsgroup called Netnews
293.a = 10; export a is a valid command sequence in UNIX
294.Set date will you give in UNIX to display system time
295.Circuit switched network networks requires that all channels in a message transmission path be of the same speed
296.The Vi program available under UNIX can be created to open a virtual terminal
297.A 4-bit ring counter is initially loaded with 1001
298.The standard defined for fiber optics is 802.8
299.Digitizers can be converted from “dumb” to “smart” through the addition of a microprocessor
300.The extension of database file is given by dbf