1.The IBM made the first electronic computer in 1953
2.The silicon based transistor started to made by Gordon Tin in 1954
3.IBM is a company
4.The personal computer invented in 1981
5.1 Kilobyte is equal to 1024 bytes
6.LCD means liquid crystal display
7.UPS converts DC voltage into AC voltage
8.The word ZIP means Zicxac Inline Pin
9.With the help of Pal switch we can increase or decrease the speed of computer’s processing
10.The full form of MICR is magnetic ink character reader
11.Swift networks are used between banks
12.Panda is a virus
13.Boot sector is hardware
14.Debug searches the fault of any software
15.OCR means optical character recognition
16.The total printout of a program is called listing
17.With the help of ZIP we can decrease the size of any programs
18.We can format the hard disk with the help of Booting
19.CANNED is called as readymade software
20.The process of creating third file by mixing two files is called as mail merging
21.The figures and lines etc. made by computer is called as graphics
22.Each line represents 65 letters in a WordStar
23.Nokia- 7500 is not the example of Micro Processor
24.The first name of the digital computer is Unvake
25.The modern computer was invented in 1946
26.The full form of DOS is disk operating system
27.The expanded form of FORTRAN is formula translation
28.The great revolution came in computer sector in 1960
29.Magnetic tape is called as Input device of computer
30.The first mechanical computer of Charles Babbage is known as punch card machine
31.The IC chip used in computer is generally made in silicon
32.Telephone broadcast is the example of simplex transmission
33.Optical, Mechanical are the kinds of mouse
34.Control panel is used for increasing and decreasing the speed of the cursor of mouse
35.The capacity of modern main frame digital computer is 10(to the power of -12) mbps
36.With the help of my computer we can know about the usage and availability of space in computer
37.We use both MS-Word and page maker for making resume
38.Earliest computers that would work with FORTRAN was second generation
39.Back Ups in database are maintained for to restore the lost data
40.IDEA is a encryption technique
41.DBRM takes care of storage of data in a database
42.The job of DBMS is to decrease redundancy
43.Digital signatures use encryption for authenticating
44.OS acts as intermediary agency between user and hardware
45.Plotters gives the highest quality output
46.ROM is built in memory in computer
47.FLASH is a RAM
48.PRAM is not a RAM
49.Internal storage is same as the primary storage
50.IMAC is name of a machine
51.First generation computers could do batch processing
52.The analytic engine was created by Charles Babbage
53.Voicemail of GSM service provider has the personal security code for its subscribers
54.Senior manager decided about the division of work with respect to IT security
55.Encrypting file system of window XP professional operating system protects the data of a user, even if the computer is shared between users
56.The .mpeg is the format of a movie file
57.Controlling is NOT required for high level language program before it is executed
58.A plotter is output device
59.80286 is a hardware part of microprocessor
60.Top-bottom approach can not be the measure of network traffic
61.A switching mode power supply is used for converting raw input power to stabilize DC power
62.Spooler can manage the whole printing process
63.Validity routines control procedures can be used to ensure completeness of data
64.Less expensive than leased line networks is not a characteristic of virtual private networks (PVN)
65.Program policy framework provides strategic direction to an organization
66.Cross bar switches have common control
67.Row-level security is the most basic part for database security
68.Voice recognition software can not be used for converting text into voice
69.The user account can only be created by the network administrator
70.IBM-700 belongs to second generation
71.Allocating adequate bandwidth would help her in speeding up the data transfer over net
72.BCD means binary coded decimal
73.Extended system configuration data is same as BIOS
74.Digitizer is an input device
75.Caramel is the latest platform of Intel Centrio microprocessor
76.RISC is known as storage device
77.NORTON is an anti-virus
78.The system file of an operating system is COM
79.ATMs of bank have real currency
80.A program that converts high level language to machine language is assembler
81.‘.txt’ files can be made in notepad, MS word, DOS editor
82.'.Zip' is a compressed file
83.Internet is a WAN
84.MP3 technology compresses a sound sequence to one-twelfth of its original size
85.At a time only one operating system can be at work on a computer
86.If multiple programs can be executed at the same time, it is distributed operating system
87.If the operating system provides quick attention, it is real time operating system
88.Distributed operating system uses network facility
89.FORMAT command in MS-DOS is used for recreating disk information
90.COPY command in MS-DOS is used to copy one or more files in disk drive to another, copy from one directory to another directory
91.REN command is Internal command
92.Tom Burners-Li propounded the concept of “World wide web”
93.The memory address sent from the CPU to the main memory over a set of wires is called address bus
94.MODEM is an electronic device required the computer to connect to the INTERNET
95.A source program is a program which is to be Tran scripted in machine language
96.Virus in computer relates to program
97.Floppy is not a storage medium in the computer related hardware
98.DOS floppy disk does not have a boot record
99.The CPU in a computer comprises of Store, arithmetic and logical unit and control unit
100.In computer parlor a mouse is a screen saver
101.UNIVA is the name of the computer which was first used for programming and playing of music
102.The IC chips for computer is prepared from silicon
103.Database management systems are comprised of tables that made up of rows called records and columns called fields
104.Nano is equal to 10(to the power of -9)
105.In computers RAM is a non-volatile memory
106.Disk and tape drives are commonly used as hard copy
107.When computer is connected to LAN and data is sent across it for storage/processing is online processing
108.The primary storage unit is also referred to as internal storage
109.Oracle is not an operating system
110.Data are raw facts and figures
111.Holding of all data and instructions to be processed is one of the functions of storage unit
112.To select the entire row in Excel, click mouse at row heading
113.Database is known as structured data
114.Normal view and outline view notes pane appears in power point
115.The user protection feature of an operating system is required in multi-user system only
116.In word, Ctrl + Del combination of keys press to delete an entire word
117.In MS-Word double clicking a word selects the word
118.Word document can be navigated in web layout view
119.In Excel, addressing mode(s) that can be used in a formula is/are only absolute and relative
120.Note page views can you use to show just the slide and its contents
121.Hardware that adds two numbers is arithmetic logical unit
122.The computer as a machine and all other physical equipment associated with it are termed as hardware
123.Plotters are very useful in applications such as computer aided design
124.Corel DRAW is a graphic package
125.The print to file option creates .prn file
126.The enhanced keyboard contains 101 keys
127.Data processing cycle consists of input cycle, output cycle and processing cycle
128.Page Setup is not an option of Edit menu
129.Radar chart is used to show a correlation between two data series
130.A computerized business information system includes hardware, software and data facts
131.Purchase order file is a transaction file
132.A typical computerized business application system will have both master and transaction file
133.Problem identification is taken first in designing a program
134.The purpose of the EXIT command is to get out of a condition loop
135.Employees details is a master file for the pay roll system
136.A slow memory can be connected to 8085 by using READY
137.A processor needs software interrupt to obtain system services which need execution of privileged instructions
138.A CPU has two modes- privileged and non-privileged. In order to change the mode from the privileged to the non-privileged, a software interrupt is needed
139.Swap space resides at disk
140.The process of assigning load addressed to the various parts of the program and adjusting the code and data in the program to reflect the assigned address is called relocation
141.1 Sector= 4096 bytes
142.Two stacks of size required to implement a queue of size n
143.1 Floppy = 6, 30,784 bytes or 308 KB
144.Consider a machine with 64 MB physical memory and a 32-bit virtual address space. If the page size is 4 KB, then size of the page table is 2 MB
145.Consider a virtual memory system with FIFO page replacement policy. For an arbitrary page accesspattern, increasing the number of page frames in main memory will always decrease the number of pagefaults
146.Consider a scheme R(A, B, C, D) and functional dependencies A->B and C-> D.Then the decomposition of R into R1 (AB) and R2 (CD) is dependency preserving and lossless join
147.Main memory requires a device driver
148.RAM can be divided into 2 types
149.Two friends suitably arrange 4 blocks of different colors to exchange coded information between them. 4 bits of information is one exchanging each time
150.Cache memory is a part of main memory
151.The number 43 in 2’s complement representation is 01010101
152.The 8085 microprocessor responds to the presence of an interrupt by checking the TRAP pin for ‘high’ status at the end of each instruction fetch
153.All machinery and apparatus of computer is called hardware
154.The number 1024 bytes is the complement representation of 1 Kilo byte
155.System design specifications do not include blueprint showing the layout of hardware
156.Web pages are uniquely identified using URL
157.The results of arithmetic and logical operations are stored in an accumulator
158.The input device that is closely related to touch screen is the light pen
159.F2 keys of control center specified below displays data, toggles browse/edit
160.A compiler breaks the source code into a uniform stream of tokens by lexical analysis
161.The number of processes that may running at the same time in a large system can be thousands
162.LET.BAS files are related to Microsoft word utility
163.A command in UNIX can have one or more arguments
164.A hard disk is logically organized according to cylinders and sectors
165.A frame can include text & graphics, tables & graphics, graphics
166.All the formatting data for the paragraph is stored in the paragraph mark
167.The abbreviation CAD stands for computer aided design
168.We can define hypertext definition in notebooks using Macsyma 2.0
169.The addressing mode(s) that can be used in a formula is/are- absolute, relative and mixed
170.WINDOWS can work in enhanced and standard modes
171.The part of a machine level instruction which tells the central processor what has to be done is an operation code
172.O-Matrix software packages do not have animation capabilities
173.In order to paste text form the clipboard in the document being edited, press the Ctrl-A key
174.A program that converts a high level language program to a set of instructions that can run on a computer is called a compiler
175.Faster execution of programs is not an advantage of a subroutine
176.First generation of computer period is 1945-1950
177.IBM built first PC in the year 1981
178.A small computer program embedded within an HTML document when a user retrieves the web page from a web server is called an applet
179.Another name for systems implementation is transformation
180.The central host computer or file server in a star network maintains control with its connecting devices through polling
181.C++ does not check whether the index value is within scope
182.The browser uses uniform resource locator to connect to the location or address of internet resources
183.In the centralized computing architecture, the entire file is downloaded from the host computer to the user’s computer in response to a request for data
184.An expert system enables one or more users to move and react to what their senses perceive in a computer simulated environment
185.Popping or removing an element from an empty stack is called underflow
186.The ability to combine data and operations on that data in a single unit is known as polymorphism
187.A router is a device that sites between your internal network and the internet and limits access into and out of your network based on your organization’s access policy
188.In C++, private, protected, and public are reserved words and are called member access specifiers
189.The integration of all kinds of media such as audio, video, voice, graphics and text into one coherent presentation combined is called multimedia
190.The derived class can redefine the public member functions of the base class
191.A technique for searching special databases, called data warehouses, looking for related information and patterns is called data mining
192.Like the quick sort the merge sort uses the divide and conquer technique to sort a list
193.The use of expert systems technology can greatly reduce the number of calls routed to a customer service department
194.Building a list in the backward manner, a new node is always inserted at the beginning of the list
195.Creating a web site is also called web authoring
196.Using the optimization analysis approach, the expert system starts with a conclusion and tries to verify that the rules, facts, and conclusion all match. If not, the expert system chooses another conclusion
197.Both the application program and operating system program only describes the software
198.Root is one of the items given below is not an item of the menu bar
199.BACKUP is not an internal command
200.In a disk, each block of data is written into one sector
201.Hard copy is a printed copy of machine output
202.A boot strap is a small utilization computer program to start up in inactive computerr
203.CAD is oriented towards software
204.Icons are picture commands
205.IBM company for the first time launched pocket computers
206.PROM is a computer part
207.Algorithms can handle most system functions that aren’t handled directly by the operating system
208.Device drivers are small, special-purpose programs
209.LAN refers to a small, single site network
210.A collection of programs that controls how your computer system runs and processes information is called operating system
211.When we are working on a document on a PC the document is temporarily stored in RAM
212.Information travels between components on the motherboard through buses
213.Microsoft is a vertical market application
214.RAM refers to the memory in your computer
215.Computers connected to a LAN can share information and / or share equipment
216.Magnetic tape is not practical for applications where data must be quickly recalled because tape is asequential access medium
217.In Late 1988 computer viruses land in India for the first time
218.ALU is a part of the CPU
219.In computer technology a compiler means a program, which translates source program into object program
220.American computer company IBM is called big blue
221.The first IBM PC did not have any ROM
222.The digital computer was developed primarily in UK
223.Programs which protect a disk from catching an infection are called antidotes
224.The first movie with terrific computer animation and graphics was released in 1982 is Tron
225.An integrated circuit is fabricated on a tiny silicon chip
226.The word size of a microprocessor refers to the amount of information that can be stored in the byte
227.Daisy-wheel printer cannot print graphics
228.In the IBM PC-AT, the word AT stands for advanced terminology
229.Dedicated computer means which is assigned one and only one task
230.Real time programming type of computers programming is used for aero plane ticket reservationsystem
231.RAM means memory which can be both read and written to
232.Laser printer uses light beam and electro statically sensitive black powder
233.The Santa Clara Valley, California is popularly known a Silicon Valley of America because many silicon chip manufacturing firms are located there
234.A program written in machine language is called assembler
235.International business machine was the first company in the world to build computer for sale
236.PARAM is a parallel computer
237.For communications, wide area networks use special purpose telephone wires and fiber optic cablesand microwaves
238.Data transfer rate in modems is measured in bits per second
239.A compiler cannot detect logical errors in source programs
240.Throughput, turnaround time, response time are measures of system performance
241.OLTP architecture can handle a limited number of dimensions whereas OLAP architecture does nothave any limit on the number of dimensions
242.The binary equivalent of (40.125) suffix 10 is 101000.001
243.Kernel is the only art of an operating system that a user cannot replace or modify
244.Symbol signifies a magnetic disk
245.COBOL programming language was initially developed for consumer electronics goods
246.Running, blocked, ready, terminated are different states of a process
247.Rational rose is an example of a modeling language
248.A disk worm is an example of optical devices
249.A RAID is a disk array
250.The first private internet service provider in India was Satyam infoway
251.The maximum and minimum unsigned number which can be stored in a 8 bit word is 0 and 255
252.Stack is a part of memory
253.HIT RATIO is associated with cache performance
254.Laser printer is a page printer
255.Storage capacity of a disk system depends upon number of recording surfaces and number ofsectors per track
256.Abstraction is associated with object oriented technology and database technology
257.The terms opcode and operand are associated with any high level language
258.Dynamic binding is associated with object oriented programming
259.The term CHIP, JEWELLARY means a processor with high capacity
260.The IBM made the first electronic computer in 1953
261.The silicon based transistor started to made by Gordon Tin in 1954
262.IBM is a company
263.The personal computer invented in 1981
264.1 Kilobyte is equal to 1024 bytes
265.LCD means liquid crystal display
266.UPS converts DC voltage into AC voltage
267.The word ZIP means Zicxac Inline Pin
268.With the help of Pal switch we can increase or decrease the speed of computer’s processing
269.The full form of MICR is magnetic ink character reader
270.Swift networks are used between banks
271.Panda is a virus
272.Boot sector is hardware
273.Debug searches the fault of any software
274.OCR means optical character recognition
275.The total printout of a program is called listing
276.With the help of ZIP we can decrease the size of any programs
277.We can format the hard disk with the help of Booting
278.CANNED is called as readymade software
279.The process of creating third file by mixing two files is called as mail merging
280.The figures and lines etc. made by computer is called as graphics
281.Each line represents 65 letters in a WordStar
282.Nokia- 7500 is not the example of Micro Processor
283.The first name of the digital computer is Unvake
284.The modern computer was invented in 1946
285.The full form of DOS is disk operating system
286.The expanded form of FORTRAN is formula translation
287.The great revolution came in computer sector in 1960
288.Magnetic tape is called as Input device of computer
289.The first mechanical computer of Charles Babbage is known as punch card machine
290.The IC chip used in computer is generally made in silicon
291.Telephone broadcast is the example of simplex transmission
292.Optical, Mechanical are the kinds of mouse
293.Control panel is used for increasing and decreasing the speed of the cursor of mouse
294.The capacity of modern main frame digital computer is 10(to the power of -12) mbps
295.With the help of my computer we can know about the usage and availability of space in computer
296.We use both MS-Word and page maker for making resume
297.Earliest computers that would work with FORTRAN was second generation
298.Back Ups in database are maintained for to restore the lost data
299.IDEA is a encryption technique
300. DBRM takes care of storage of data in a database