statements and conclusions

Directions (Q. 1 - 5):
In each of the questions below, two/three statements are given followed by conclusions/ group of conclusions numbered I and II. You have to assume all the statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with the commonly known facts and then decide which of the given two conclusions logically follows from the information given in the statements. Give answer
1) if only conclusion I follows.
2) if only conclusion II follows.
3) if either conclusion I or conclusion II follows.
4) if neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows.
5) if both conclusion I and II follow.

questions(1 - 2):
Statements: Some squares are circles.
                 No circle is a triangle.
                 No line is a square.

1. Conclusions: I. All squares can never be triangles.
                       II. Some lines are circles.

2. Conclusions: I. No triangle is a suqare.
                       II. No line is a circle.

questions(3 - 4):
Statements: All songs are poems.
                 All poems are rhymes.
                 No rhyme is paragraph.

3. Conclusions: I. No Song is a paragraph.
                       II. No poem is a paragraph.

4. Conclusions: I. All rhymes are poems.
                       II. All Songs are rhymes.

5. Statements: Some dews are drops.
                     All drops are stones.
    Conclusions: I. At least some dews are stones.
                       II. At least some stones are drops.

 Answers: 1-1; 2-4; 3-5; 4-2; 5-5;

Directions (6 – 10): 
In each of the questions below are given four statements followed by three conclusions numbered I, II & III. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.

6. Statements: Some plates are spoons.
                       All spoons are forks.
                       All forks are bowls.
                       Some bowls are utensils.

      Conclusions: I. Some plates are bowls.
                         II. All spoons are bowls.
                         III. Some forks are utensils.

       (1) Only I follows             (2) Only II follows            (3) Only I and III follow
       (4) Only I and II follow     (5) None of these

7. Statements: Some books are files.
                       All files are discs.
                       Some discs are boards.
                       All boards are keys.
      Conclusions: I. Some books are keys.
                         II. No book is key.
                         III. Some discs are keys.
           (1) Only III follows         (2) Only I and III follow
           (3) Either I or II and III follow  (4) All follow               (5) None of these

8. Statements: All buses are trains.
                     Some trains are cars.
                     No car is scooter.
                     All scooter are jeeps.
      Conclusions: I. Some cars are buses.
                         II. All jeeps are scooters.
                         III. No jeep is train.
           (1) Only I follows           (2) Only II follows            (3) Only III follows
           (4) Only either I or III follows        (5) None of these
9. Statements: All curtains are pillows.
                     No pillow is mattress.
                     Some mattresses are beds.
                     All beds are sofas.
       Conclusions: I. No bed is pillow
                          II. Some mattresses are sofas.
                          III. Some beds are pillows.
          (1) Only either I or III follows             (2) Only II follows
          (3) Only II and either I or III follow     (4) Only I and II follows    (5) All follow

10. Statements: Some pulses are grains.
                       Some grains are sprouts.
                       All sprouts are nuts.
                       No fruit is nut.
        Conclusions: I. Some nuts are pulses.
                           II. Some nuts are grains.
                           III. No fruit is sprout.
     (1) Only II and III follow      (2) Only I and II follow     (3) Only either I or II follows
     (4) None follows                  (5) None of these

      Answers: 6.(4) 7.(3) 8.(5) 9.(3) 10.(1)