1. Durand Line:
Pakistan and Afghanistan
2. Mc. Mohan Line:
India(Arunachal Pradesh Region) and China
3. Radcliff Line:
India and Pakistan
4. Line of Control
:It divides Kashmir between India and Pakistan.
5. Hidden berg Line:
Germany and Poland
6. Maginot Line:
France and Germany
7. Older Neisse Line:
Germany and Poland
8. Mannerheim Line
:Russia and Finland border.
9. Siegfried Line :
Germany and France.
10. 17th Parallel:
North Vietnam and South Vietnam
11. 24th Parallel :
India and Pakistan.
12. 26th Parallel :
Australia & South Africa
13. 38th Parallel:
North Korea and South Korea
14. 49th Parallel: Canada and USA