DICGC,CIBIL,Credit Rating Agency,Stock Exchanges

Deposit insurance and credit guarantee corporation (DICGC)
All commercial banks including branches of foreign banks functioning in India, local area banks and regional rural banks are insured by the DICGC. Note: Primary cooperative societies are not insured by the DICGC. DICGC insure: DICGC protects bank deposits that are payable in India.
The DICGC insures all deposits such as savings, fixed, current, recurring, etc.
except the following types of deposits.
(i) Deposits of foreign Governments;
(ii) Deposits of Central/State Governments;
(iii)Inter-bank deposits;
(iv) Deposits of the State Land Development Banks with the State co-operative bank;
(v) Any amount due on account of any deposit received outside India
(vi) Any amount, which has been specifically exempted by the corporation with the previous approval of Reserve Bank of India. Maximum deposit amount insured by the DICGC - Each depositor in a bank is insured upto a maximum of Rs.1,00,000 (Rupees One Lakh).

Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited: is India’s first Credit Information Company (CIC) founded in August 2000. CIBIL collects and maintains records of an individual’s payments pertaining to loans and credit cards.
Headquarter – Mumbai

Credit Rating Agency in India & World
Indian credit rating industry mainly comprises of CRISIL, ICRA, CARE, ONICRA, FITCH (India Ratings & Research) & SMERA.
- > CRISIL - Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited,
      Headquarter – Mumbai
- > ICRA - Investment information and credit rating agency
      Headquarter - Gurgaon, India
- > CARE - Credit Analysis and Research Headquarters – Mumbai
- > ONICRA - Headquarter - Gurgaon, India
- > SMERA - Headquarters – Mumbai
- > Fitch (India Ratings & Research) - Headquarters – Mumbai

Note: CRISIL is the largest credit rating agency in India, with a market share of greater than 60%.

Leading Credit Rating Agency in World –
1. Standard & Poor's (S&P) – Headquarter – New York, US
2. Moody's – Headquarter - New York, US
3. Fitch - Headquarter - New York, US
4. DBRS (Dominion Bond Rating Service) - Headquarter - Toronto, Ontario, 
5. Egan – Jones - - Headquarter – Pennsylvania, US

Stock Exchanges and their Index:
1. BSE ( Bombay Stock Exchange) - SENSEX ( Sensitive Index) - BSE is oldest
    stock exchange in Asia located at Dalai Street in Mumbai –
    Sensex Consists of 30 companies
2. NSE (National Stock Exchange) - Nifty-50 -NSE is the largest stock exchange   
    in India -Nifty consists of 50 companies
3. NYSE ( Newyork Stock Exchange) - DJ ( Dow Jones) - NYSE world's first and  
     largest stock market
4. NASDAQ ( National association of securities dealers Automated Quotation  
    System)- NASD-100 - NASDAQ is the first electronic stock market in the world  
    located in New York.
5. Tokyo Stock Exhange ( Japan) - Nikkei-225
6. Korea Stock Exchange( Seoul, South korea) – Kospi
7. Shenghai Stock Exchange( China)- Composite Index
8. Shenzen Stock Exchange( China)- Composite Index
9. German Stock Exchange- DAX( Deutscher Aktein Index)
10. Hong Kong Stock Exchange- Hang Seng
11. . SGX(Singapore Exchange)- STI( Straits Times Index)
12. LSE( London Stock exchange) or UK stock exchange- Footsie or FTSE-100 (   
      Financial Times and London Stock Exchange)

13. France Stock Exchange - CAC-40 ( Cotation Assisteeen Continuo)